Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Ever since I found you, I wanna be around you. I wanna get down to the point that I need you."

It's not really any secret that I have trouble trusting people, especially those of the male persuasion. It's not that I don't try either. Ask anyone who really knows me, they'll tell you I trust to the point of being completely blinded and detrimental to myself. I'm envious of the people who are in relationships with their best friends and both people are truly happy. I desperately want that, to be able to find someone to spend my life with, who gets me and isn't annoyed by my quirkiness, is understanding and sympathetic when it comes to my health issues, and someone who is looking to be in it with me for the long run....

Well, it's still early in our reconnection, but I've been talking to a guy I dated almost five years ago off and on the past year or so and I was supposed to see him in October when he was here from Vegas, but I didn't get to. Now he lives in California and I got to see him last week. He flew into town on business and I was the only person he called and told he was going to be here. I had dialysis that day, so I was busy until about 2:30. He came by the unit to get my apartment keys so he could get a shower and decided to come back and sit with me for a bit. It was really nice. We talked for almost 40 minutes while I was hooked up, even though there is a fifteen minute time limit for visitors. He left and went back to my apartment and I continued my treatment. He had to go take care of the business he came into town for not too long after I got home, but afterwards he brought Jimmy John's to eat and we hung out, talked about life and family and work, and watched "Click" on tv. It was different hanging out with him this time. He opened up about his mom dying and I talked about my grandmother who passed away last year. He told me about his job in California, which was funny and nice to hear about since he was genuinely excited about it. It was really good to see him! He stayed with me until about 11:30, when he left to head back down to Orlando because he had a 7am flight the next morning. He called me when he got to his layover in Denver and we talked for a bit more. He said I need to come out there and spend some time, which would be awesome! I have to set up dialysis with a unit out there though, so I looked into them and he told me which one was the closet to him. He's coming back at the end of this month for his birthday, so I'll get to see him again! I think I surprised him by still remembering when his birthday is. He said only his mom and sister ever really remembered. One thing that he said that I can't shake because it meant a lot to me was "My mom would have liked you". I never got to meet her, so that was nice to hear. It's been a lot of fun and I've really enjoyed catching up with him by talking and texting him each day since he left and I can't wait until he comes back!


  1. Don't be envious of people who are in relationships with their best friends. Just hope that it happens to you. And if this guy has intentions on becoming more than friends with you, you might just be in that same situation.
    Anyway, I DO hope he intends on becoming more than friends, especially if he wants you to move out there.
    Keep me informed on everything!

  2. I also don't think you should be envious. You have many things going well for you these days. And I think you're probably finding the happier you are in general, the more happy people you will attract.

    And about your reconnection -- sometimes it's all in the timing. I don't want to jinx things, but you met him for a reason, you dated him for a reason, and perhaps, the timing was off for a reason. Maybe both of you needed to grow and change. And maybe you both have. And maybe this reconnection is a sign of that. And hopefully things will continue to go well.

    But don't think that since you have dated him before that you don't need take things slowly this time around -- if you do go 'round again. Just remember, you're both different people now. =]

    Sorry, I'm not giving you relationship advice. I'm just so happy that you're excited about this! I love you so much!
