Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yoda says it best: "Anger Leads To Hate," But Does Expressed Anger Actually Lead To Suffering Or
Does It End Suffering? Or Both? And Is The Suffering Of Someone Else Worth Ending Your Own Suffering?

In this case, I'm leading toward "yes" on the second question.

I thought that I would always love you because of who you are to me, then I loved you but didn't like you very much, but now I'm becoming less and less sympathetic & empathetic toward you. You try to pull off the "good Christian" card, but I know better. You are a lonely, bitter, angry & viral person who drains the very life out everyone you come in contact with. You don't even try to be happy & yet you are surprised that no one wants to be around you. People try to include you in activities, but you segregate yourself & look unpleasant the whole time until, finally due to feeling guilty about being happy & enjoying themselves, someone takes you home.