Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yin:Yang = Me:Lonliness?

Is there such a thing as destiny and soulmates? And if so, what happens to a person when, and if, their "other half" finds someone else or dies? Are they then destined to be alone or feel incomplete as they bounce from unsatisfying relationship to unsatisfying relationship? Everyone tells you to "take it slow" and "keep looking, Mr/Ms. Right is out there". But with every failing "relationship" it just makes it that much harder to trust the next one. The new one is tainted by the poisons that killed the last. And every passing day just gets more dark and lonely. Especially when you desperately want it to work out and finally get your own happy ending.

1 comment:

  1. Meh, this type of thing has bothered me for years. Many years. The problem is that when you drown yourself in that loneliness, it makes you a lonely person and people don't generally find that attractive. I'm only saying it because I realized it myself and don't want to see you stuck in that rut. You're a great person, with or without "Mr. Right"... :)
